a menopausal mother of five stopped running from, to, and through her life--to find her life. At 50, the piano that sat silent in my living room for over 30 years, called to me.
"Come, sit, see if you remember."
At 50 I stopped, sat, and played music that had never been played before. I did not know I was a composer. I never would have put "Write a Musical" on my to do list, because at 50 I had absolutely no idea that I could. Yet in October 2002, we produced an original musical, DIVAS, DYKES and DUMB BLONDES an imaginative romp through the stereotypical voices in a woman's head.
That work changed my life. I tapped into this Divine Feminine Source of creativity.I explored my fears, doubts, and dreams. I found the courage to say YES to something that I cannot see, that I do not understand, but that I know is calling me forward on the road to Self Recovery. Now, in a new musical IT'S ABOUT TIME I share my story with you and invite you to join us on the journey to rediscover who you are The Broad's Way!
An award-winning educator turned playwright, composer, activist and entertainer, Janet leads not by reaching out--but by reaching in.
"I did not learn to write, rather to listen to the melodious voice of a woman deep within my soul."
I simple said "yes" to the Music. I was awakened every night at precisely 4:00 am, with music and lyrics in my head. I became the composer I never knew I was.
Within an hour of typing that title on a blank screen, there were SEVEN characters on the page. They represent the divergent voices in a woman's head, and explain the chaos in which we live. Diva, Dyke, Dumb Blonde, Mom, Career Woman, Prudence Grace, and Sistah--seven very divergent points of view.
The Broad's Way, is a theater-based entertainment experience for the woman you are. I hope you'll spend some time with us. Come to a show. Study a Broad! Join the movement and be exactly who you are!